Post und Kommentare von Besucher und aus anderswo.
Subject: RE: Wilhelm Gustloff 2007 Date: February 3, 2007 6:47:44 PM GMT+01:00 Hello! Your pictures, as always, are lovely! Theres such a nice feeling that goes along with them when we look at them. It warms the heart, and I'm completely honest about that. It's so wonderful to see. My family and I are looking forward to the Dresden rememberance, we just went out and bought candles particularly for the event. We might be recruiting a new member this year, we'll see how that goes. The hope to spread such a great thing brings much joy to us. We love what you guys have done so very much. Hope to hear from you again soon, and I will send you the pictures we take this year as well.
Subject: Your site Date: February 20, 2006 4:02:07 PM GMT+01:00 Dear Friends! I am surprised Swedes would remember Dresden, or the Gustloff or anything else which has been done to my country for that matter. The problem with these remembrances is, there is so much to be remembered, it staggers the mind. Not long ago there was a tremendously (even if confusingly designed) site out of Norway, called Deutsche-Zeitung. This site covered the horrendous crimes committed by the Czechs after the war as well as those of the Norwegians and some others. Unfortunately, this site has disappeared, because the information it contained was mind boggling. The lady who created the site was Anna Druus, if memory serves. I remember her asking for conributions and bitterly commenting on how little the response was. THIS is the problem with us Nordic people - we do not stick together, but let ourselves be divided as easy as 1-2-3. I have often wondered how it is, that Sweden, which was an equal trading partner of Germany during the war years and treated with the utmost respect, would turn against us as viciously as it did. Swedish authorities, against all international norms, not to forget human decency and morality, turned over to the Soviets several hundred German soldiers who had sought refuge in your land after fighting ferociously against insane Soviet numerical superiority until running out of ammunition. They were turned over under the most inhumane circumstances, at the point of the gun, bayonets and screaming Swedish soldiers who behaved as bestially as any Russian. All Germans, heroes to the last man and defenders of OUR civilization were murdered by the Soviets. Why not mention this in all of its starkness on your site. Thanks for listening.
Subject: Date: February 15, 2006 12:52:18 AM GMT+01:00 ...och tack för den oförglömliga gårdagsaftonen! :-) Det var i sanning en ära att få deltaga i den fantastiska manifestationen. Det vore trevligt att få uppleva sådana magiska tillställningar ånyo.
Subject: Re: The Dresden ceremonies in Sweden Date: February 20, 2006 8:35:38 PM GMT+01:00 Många tack, kamerater! We are pleased to learn of your efforts and send all best wishes.
Subject: Re: Dresdenceremonierna i Stockholm och Uppsala Date: February 20, 2006 11:17:47 PM GMT+01:00 Hejsan. Var riktigt vackra bilder som ni hade på en webbsida!. [...] Med kamratliga hälsningar,
Subject: Re: The Dresden ceremonies in Sweden Date: February 20, 2006 1:04:52 AM GMT+01:00 Thank you much for your remembrance committee. I have devoted most of my adult life attempting to expose the cancer that has virtually destroyed our People.
Subject: Put a candle on behalf of me Date: February 13, 2006 12:38:32 AM GMT+01:00 I wish you accept a very little contribution I'll send you tomorrow morning by letter (20 euros), I hope you receive safe. Best Wishes
Subject: Hälsningar från Dresden Date: February 9, 2006 8:05:50 PM GMT+01:00 Hej! Det är en bra sida. Jag har läste om er sida på en tysk vänsterhemsida. Jag bor söder om Dresden och det gläder mig, att se deltagande för symbolen för den tyska undergången i Sverige. Om ni behöver hjälp mer er sida (information, tyska artiklar m.m.), lämna besked om det! Kanske ses vi i Dresden eller i Stockholm. Många hälsningar till Sverige!
Subject: Re[2]: Dresden Anreise Date: February 9, 2006 1:21:02 PM GMT+01:00 [...] Dresden-Remembrance in the Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten (it's a bad newspaper!)
Subject: Dresden 1945 Date: January 28, 2006 2:26:00 PM GMT+01:00 Hello and goods day! Regarding the side www.http :// / we would like to make commemorative side on the official Dresden attentively. They find there among other things also video documents. Greetings out of Saxons Greetings
Subject: Remembering the firebombing in Dresden & the Wilhelm Gustloff Date: January 17, 2006 12:57:31 PM GMT+01:00 Thank you for having the guts for honouring the dead in Dresden and on the ship the Wilhelm Gustloff. It is a shame that America and Britain are not charged with war crimes in The Hague for what they did to the German civilians. Will the Germans ever receive justice??? NEVER!!!...... Not until we are truly in charge of our own governments, can we proceed to move forward for the benefit of our own countries interests and not the interests of a little country in the middle east (Israel) who drags us into her wars claiming to liberate the countries and the people with the help of the USA. (Shame on the people who put another country first instead of their own). When will people wake up and understand that what is going on is on an international level that at one stage or another will involve us all. Soon we will all be fighting each other, just like WWI and WWII, while they sit back rub their hands and enjoy our demise (meanwhile making a lot of money in the process from our suffering)....... European nations should never fight amongst themselves. Our race is dying. We must preserve our race through culture, identity and by creating awareness as to what exactly is going on world wide. One day when I visit Sweden I would also like to commemorate the dead as my mother was born not far from Dresden. Thank you for taking the time to read my e-mail and keep up the good work, you are creating awareness. May god be with you......... :-)
Subject: RE: Your Website Date: January 10, 2006 2:59:22 PM GMT+01:00 Vieln Dank, Gruss Harry
Subject: Great Date: January 10, 2006 4:10:51 AM GMT+01:00 I think this is an exceptional activity. It serves to remind the world that the so called Allies atrocities such as murder rape and torture was practiced in greater much greater volumes than the Axis. I grew up in the post WW2 generation. The dissemination of these atrocities was virtually unknown until I reached middle age. Now many others like my self are seeing the true history, and the great lies perpetuated by the so called Allies. The same perpetuators of these lies are still in control in my country and many other western countries. They are determined to get usinvolved in another world war over the dollar they inflated and the oil they covet. They send Americans best to bleed and die for them. This must and will be stopped. How and when remains to be seen. But the awareness the truth which is put forth in your site is a great weapon against them. My family had relatives in west Prussia before WW2. My parents corresponded with them before the war and after Dec 1941 we heard no more. We can only assume they were murdered by the Russian hordes or they might have fled to Dresden and were later incinerated by the Allies holocaust which is documented unlike the other so called Holocaust which is illegal to even question. I congratulate you on your website which I read for the first time to day. I only wish I could take part in the ceremonies. I warmly and sincerely welcome you as harbingers of truth. Stay the course as I know you will. Sinc.
Subject: American interested in committee Date: January 9, 2006 11:13:49 PM GMT+01:00 I am an American who agrees that the bombing of Dresden was brutal. Do you know if there were any military or mfg. installations that were legitimately targeted, or was it entirely bad blood?
Subject: what they want us to forget. Date: January 9, 2006 7:27:06 PM GMT+01:00 I was not borne till 1951, six years before these unspeakable atrocities; my whole life lies have been shoved down my throat about the six million myth. Wouldn't you say it is about time for the light of truth to destroy the darkness that that shadows reality? Thank you for remembering!
Subject: Your Website Date: January 9, 2006 7:10:20 PM GMT+01:00 Congrats to your honest and good effort to point out the real holocaust. You should be commended highly. Best Regards
Subject: medlem Date: January 9, 2006 6:47:52 PM GMT+01:00 Det er dejligt at se nogen mindes de mange tysker som omkom under terrobomberne af Dresden... med venlig hilsen
Subject: Date: Since I am very grateful for your reminding of the victims of the Germans, I have a link to your web site into my web site Again best thanks and much success
Subject: RE: The Dresden Committee launches web site Date: January 6, 2006 11:14:47 PM GMT+01:00 Hei Vi takker for tipset om hjemmesiden deres og kommer til å linke den opp med en kommentar. Bra tiltak.
Subject: Re: The Dresden Committee launches web site Date: January 6, 2006 7:30:48 AM GMT+01:00 My deep regards to you, and wishing of success! I propose to commemorate the memory of Count Bernadotte, as well, on the same occasion.
Subject: Thank you - The Dresden Committee launches web site Date: January 6, 2006 3:25:01 AM GMT+01:00 Thanks! We'll distribute a notice about this to our e-mail list. You may be interested in these two items, posted on our website: Sincerely,